RMSA SAFE SPORT, Code of Conduct and Ethics, and Responsible Coaching Policies
Commitment to a Safe Place to Play:
Rimbey Minor Soccer works within the guidelines of CASA and ASA to make a safe space for our kids.

At RMSA we want our players, coaches, and parents to feel safe and confident and respected. RMSA adheres to the Code of Conduct and Ethics and Athlete Protection Policy put forth by our regional league, the Central Alberta Soccer Association (CASA) :
Additional policy regarding conduct and ethics can be found on the CASA website: SAFE SPORT Resources
Additional resources for Parents and Coaches:
The links below are additional information for parents and coaches who have concerns about bullying, inappropriate conduct or possible child abuse.
We encourage any concerned parties to reach out to RMSA at rimbeyminorsoccer@gmail.com and to any relevant authorities in the case of immediate/likely harm due to bullying or other inappropriate conduct. Suspected child abuse MUST be reported to the authorities.
Prevention and Reporting of Child Abuse
Steps for Reporting Inappropriate Conduct
How to Recognize and Prevent Bullying

Commitment to Responsible Coaching:

Alongside CASA and ASA, our organization is committing to implementing supportive policies and processes that adhere to the three key areas: Background Screening, The Rule of Two, and Ethics Training for our staff/coaches.
The Responsible Coaching Movement is the result of extensive consultation with the Canadian Sport Community. These consultations will guide future phases that will address the role coaches play in issues relating to the health and safety of athletes, both on and off the field of play.