Indoor Soccer - Girls League in CASA looking promising for U13-U17
CASA, Central Alberta Soccer Association, has announced that they have seen positive response to having a Girls League for Indoor Soccer this winter for U13 & U15-U17.
Rimbey is not offering U13 girls or U15 girls’ indoor soccer, but there are other communities that are, and would love to have more players.
Rimbey is offering a U11 (born 2014/2015) coed team - previously committed players/parents have been contacted to complete registration.
On Sept 8, if there are available spots, we will open up registration to the public again.
For parents & players interested in playing indoor soccer in another community here are some options.
Please note: recommend to register ASAP with one of the groups to ensure you get a spot.
ALSO - for U11 aged girls - consider reaching out to these associations and asking about playing up, sometimes there’s the ability to fill a team with younger players.
U13 girls: it’s looking promising for a team and they would welcome our U13 girls to join.
Side note: they have had a strong girls team this year and a great coach - could be a great opportunity.
U13 boys and U15 coed: limited interest at this time, but you can try & register with them and they may be able to put a team together….
LINK to Bentley’s webpage for more information or to register
Sylvan Lake:
U13 coed full
U15 coed: they have ~6 spots available
LINK to Sylvan Lake’s webpage for more information or to register
The Indoor Soccer season runs October to March.
Games are on the weekend and will be either in Red Deer or Camrose.
The coaches will set the # of practices, day & time.